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30 March 2011

The first proper chocolate cake I made.

Yesterday I made a chocolate cake , This one had eggs in it , and it turned out pretty good . They only bad thing that happend was ,i baked the cake on a big tray ,so half the cake was up and the other half was down ....( I dont know if that just made sence)...Anyway , but when it came to tasting sences everybody said it sounds GREAT!:)
Also to night my brother and my sis-in-law are flying in from Sydney.... Lets see what these two days bring, while thier here .. Will keep you posted..........

28 March 2011

I am stressed!!!!!!!!

I am stressed out today !!!!!!!!
Because I enrolled late this year , I have fallen really behind . There are ONLY two week till the end of the term from today and I havnt even  completed half the terms work !!!!!!
The thing is I have time to complete my work but most of the work is REALLY HARD !!!!! Sometimes I just sit at my desk staring at a question for more than 20 minutes , the sad thing is in these 20 minutes I havnt even got a solution for my question !!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont know what I plan to do and how I plan to catch up......Things are all muddled up in my head .I dont know what to do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27 March 2011

Something I have realised.........

I have realised that in MOST of my blog posts I spell  words wrong or miss words . This may be because I type really fast , also without looking !!
I am currently working on making sure I spell words correctly and I am trying to not miss words..
In school I have never had any problems with spelling and I know I dont . I think I am pretty good at it but they whole thing comes back to the fact that I type faster than I know what I am going to type...........I dont do spell check because I just cant be stuffed so no point suggesting that..

Who will win ???????

On the 30th of March , as you all know Pakistan and India will be playing cricket .. Considering the fact that both countries of have big histories of being top in the world for cricket which country do you think will win and why ??? Please leave your comments below..

26 March 2011

I dont wanna become a year older

The past two days , i have been thinking about growing a year older from today.Although my Bday is a few months away from now , i still hate to think that will be a year older in a few months.

I just remember the time when i was 8 or 7 and when I use to do something wrong people would simply just say oh , shes just a little kid , she doesnt understand .
but although i am still quite young , Adults think that these days kids know so much even if they dont . so if we happen to something different they come with the idea that we are not innocent............
thats why i wish that it was still yesterday..
another reason why i dont want to age is that till now i havnt had any great difficulties in my life as i am still young but thinking that every day i am a little older , things will sometimes be hard and i will have to face it ....
and i hate that ......I dont want to have to face sadness or diffiulty but life without sadness or difficulty is in fairy land ........
oh well , lets just be thank ful for where we are today and continue on happily with life!!:)

A blog post that i cam across

While researching something about japan i came across a blog that had a post titled


She mentioned a hadith as follows
Narrated Hudhaifa:

The Prophet said, “Do not drink in gold or silver utensils, and do not wear clothes of silk or Dibaj, for these things are for them (unbelievers) in this world and for you in the Hereafter.”

--The above hadith is what the Prophet has said but he did not mean that we should not eat or drink in silver or gold colored cups or plates , he meant that we should not eat in pure gold or silver utensils..

Okay , if the prophet said whats the big deal?? even you the writer dont(Well i am pretty sure DOES NOT use pure gold and silver utensils).....We are NOT sinning when we are eating in sliver ware.....

Also another of her posts titled,

21 March 2011

Op art and other stuff...

Today I made a piece of op art for school. We were required to keep it black and white while making a pette of geommetric shapes.
This is what I came up with for op art ...
Comment and let me know how it makes you feel. Thanx everyone!:)
An awesome nasheed I found on Youtube by Muhammad Bashar!

Please do not copy any pictures from this post, Thank You

20 March 2011

This and That ..

Here I am back to the blogging world after two days....
So what have I been up to ? Well , Yesterday I went to the library and borrowed a few books . I tried to choose some good long books to read. I finished reading two books so far which is a good start to my "100 books to read" thing. I havnt started my "100 things to cook " yet but I havnt forgot about it either  .I am thinking of stuff to cook . I want to cook something that's nice , something that I havnt tried out before and something thats quick and easy to make.So if you have any ideas , Please let me know :) Thanks , Your opinions are always helpful !!:)

Because I just came back from overseas two weeks ago from my three months visit to Bangladesh ( For those who did'nt , I didnt add it here in my blog because I thought every one knew about our trip overseas for three months). I have loads of work to catch up for school. I got enrolled in school , to be exact ,the 9th of march. Its been really hard to cacth up with homework as well as get settled here again.It took me a while to unpack my stuff and put them where they belong ..Wish me luck for this term at school!!!

I am thinking about wether I want to continue this blog . I dont think anybody reads this blog anymore ....
I am a little bit dissapointed about Australia not winning the macth with Pakistan by four wickets. I think Australia still has the chance of getting into the finals because they have won 9 macthes... Lets just hope they do fine ... 

18 March 2011

Back to the blogging world !

It has been over three months that I hav'nt wrote a proper blog post. To be honest , I dont even know what to put in my blog anymore and I dont even think anyone even reads my blog anymore. There is nothing interesting that I can
think of putting in my blog.From now on I am going to try writing more posts in my blog .

These days I am just busy with catching up with my work . I am really behind with my studies , so I am trying to get back on track.

I have decided that I am going to start on two things....
I want to start reading books more , I want to see how long it will take for me to read 100 hundred. Each time I read a book , i will list it down and make a list till hundred .. Wish me Luck !!

I LOVE COOKING ! So I have decided that I want to make 100 dishes and see how long it takes to accomplish this.....Wish me luck for this also!!!

Here is one of my youtube favourites for now .....
I do not like the whole thing , Only the start. I think when the guy starts singing , he kind of stuffs it up..Those kids are sooo cute!!

Oh yeah , I recently started stamp collecting......I dont think thats interesting news but I just though I would add it here !:)
Oh yeah , and one more thing, what do you guys think of my "NEW blog look"???Please let me know ..Who ever you are , you are welcome to comment ..
I think thats about it for this post....
Be back blogging soon ....